Hands-on turnaround
The global niche manufacturer revitalized through investment and management support
What to challenge? Who to collaborate with?
- A listed global niche top manufacturer of automotive components with the world’s leading market share
- Challenged to revitalize the company to survive the continuous loss during the latest years
Impact on the history of business and economy
- Turned profitable and achieved the highest profit since listing, resulting in the trebled share price
- Defended Japan’s share of the global market from the competitors in emerging markets

IGPI’s initiatives for discontinuous change
IGPI sent its management personnel and shared the risk with the client. IGPI helped the client to transform them into a profitable corporation through real visualization and hands-on support for the frontline.
- “Be in the same boat” by investing in the client company.
- Hands-on support by working closely with management
→Connected management to the frontline by thorough visualization
→Stuck to the reality of the strategy so that the frontline could go along with it